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Something that is crucial about ourselves is the confidence that we have about our way to play. Sometimes (if not all the time) as...


A timpani is like a diaphragm and lungs that must be filled with air in order to be healthy. The more air that enters it in the fullest...

Historical and Musicological Analysis

When we play a specific composition, it is not enough just to play the text written, to find the soul of a specific piece (Symphony,...


Let's speak about the Fulcrum. It is, for a timpanist who wants to reach his/her maximal level, one of the most important things to...


If we force the sticks with a minimal movement of strength of our arms, the sound goes automatically worse. We need to impact the timpani...


It is important when we sit down in our Timpani chair, our "Gluteus maximus" is in a position lined up with our "spinal column"....


Between each semitone of the scale, there are infinity of tones possible, thatswhy is not good enough to practice with the scale with 12...


Each Timpani has a range of approximately one palm of our hands of colors. To simplify this. I did divide it millimetrically in Vocals to...


One have to be consistent with the emotion that one wants to express. For example: If you want to express "Love" in one passage of one...


We have to be careful with the physiology of our back during the practice. Specially the muscles: Erector Spinae, the Internal and...


As well as when we play sinfonic repertoire we have a plan, we can not have the same plan to play baroque. The music is smaller but not...


Today is the first day of this new blog. I have already finished with my practice and my conclusion today is that we have to associate...

Blog: Blog2
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