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  • Foto del escritorDaniel Martinez


We have to be careful with the physiology of our back during the practice.

Specially the muscles: Erector Spinae, the Internal and external obliques, and the Thoracolumbar fascia.

These muscles have to be in perfect alignment with the Splenius capitis.

And the position has to be straight but flexible, respecting the curve of our Spinal Cord.

Like this, we arrive our maximal level possible in our Timpani playing.

Is important to notice that the relaxation of the arms have to be enough relaxated to leave the weight of the arms come down naturally to produce the most natural and beautiful sound possible. In combination with our back and our head. To do it we need to be in peace with ourselves and let flow the movement of our body. To reach it, first of all is important the search of the sound that makes us happy with ourselves, find it inside us. In some way this search is the search of the own soul through the sound.

Music is all about it. Search your own soul through music. And as timpanist. Search the music through your spirit and your physiology.

Thank you for reading.

Your Daniel

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