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  • Foto del escritorDaniel Martinez


As well as when we play sinfonic repertoire we have a plan, we can not have the same plan to play baroque.

The music is smaller but not less great.

We need to find the point where the lightness and the sound meet.

There is a concept that I am developing that is the "fulcrum" of our arms and the sound coming from it.

In classic we play a mezzoforte more or less at the "fulcrum" point of our wrist, but we can not make the mistake to think that it is the same in baroque.

In Baroque the fulcrum of one mezzoforte would be in the knuckles of our hands.

The "fulcrum" of every dynamic change with the stile, the dimension of the orchestra, the emotion wanted to express and always it will be different because each musician of one orchestra has a different combinations of moods and emotions each day, and we have to be attentive to this changes always.

But without a plan to make faster changes, we can not play the music's maximal quality.

So let's think about and let's make the most beautiful music possible.

Thank you for reading,

Your Daniel

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