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  • Foto del escritorDaniel Martinez


Today is the first day of this new blog.

I have already finished with my practice and my conclusion today is that we have to associate good emotions with our practice to reach our maximal in each practice, doing so, we will always love what we do how we do, letting us grow and be better persons and timpanists.

The Timpani is just a mean to grow as person, giving our best in our practices is the only way to give the others the best music possible.

The six main emotions from wich all the others derive, are: Joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust.

Picking up the positive emotions and trying to express it in our practice, we become not just exponent of Rhythm in the orchestra, but we become boosters of the emotions that the composer wanted to express in each moment in his/her piece of art.

We, as Timpanists, are the greatest emotions influencers of one orchestra and our mission is to express the very big nature of each piece, not just be the rhythm reference of it.

Thank you for reading.

Your Daniel

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