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  • Foto del escritorDaniel Martinez


Actualizado: 25 abr

Something that is crucial about ourselves is the confidence that we have about our way to play. Sometimes (if not all the time) as students, we judge our way to play as wrong because it is different to the way of our teacher or some other great students of our environment. Despite this is an important thing to do to become better( to learn from the best) also it is important that by doing so, we trust our way.

The music is not something that can be wrong or right (when the basic parameters are met), but something that is different. Like our souls. Music is the expression of our souls throw our technical capacities (as musicians). For listeners, it is the expansion of the soul throw our ears.

As each one of us has a different soul to touch, we can not touch it the same way than other person's way. That'swhy is so important that we trust our ways, and develope our ways, learning from othe best, to find ourselves.

Like Picasso said. "Good artists copy. Great artists steal"

We have to steal the ideas of our examples and make it our own, that means stealing. Not just imitate their way.

In my time alive very different people had said to me that my way was wrong. My way can never be wrong if I am honest with myself. And so does your way.

Our way has to touch our souls. This is all.

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