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  • Foto del escritorDaniel Martinez


Actualizado: 8 dic 2022

A timpani is like a diaphragm and lungs that must be filled with air in order to be healthy. The more air that enters it in the fullest and deepest way the better.

The same happens to the timpani, when they are filled with sound in the fullest and deepest way it is a joy for all who listen, not only visually but sonically and spiritually. This expansion should be something natural connected to the spirit of the present moment.

The link between breath and mindset can be equivalent to sound and spirit.

To have this sound it is important to breathe as if we were the timpani. A big timpani and with extreme capacity, as it happens with the timpani 32. We must be able to fill it with our way of playing.



Which technique?

The technique that is neither horizontal nor vertical. The technique that uses the resonance capabilities of the tympani.

Yes, but how?


I. . I

I. . I

I. <--- . . . --> I

I. . I

I. . I


Let's imagine that this square is the zone of the timpani where we play. The vertical points are the colors (concept explained in the Blog) if we decide for example to play in the third color (see diagram), there is a place where the sticks should touch (two points near the central vertical points) the timpani to maximize the quality of the sound. And the expansion of this point of touch (see the arrows) is the place where we let our spirit speak through the timpanis. This has to be by feeling and by searching the best moment to expand and the best moments to shrink. This concept is so important because with this manner, we can express our truly and deepest needs through the music.

(If you want to know more about it, please contact me, I know this is difficult with this diagram.)

We must be able to discern when is the best time to play at each point of the timpani to achieve its full potential.

Let's not restrict ourselves to simply hit it, let's caress it, encourage it, stress it, exploit it to achieve its best sonorous, spiritual and musical results

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